Health and Sanitation
SCP works in several areas to improve health and sanitation, including construction of wells and latrines. We have also delivered medicines and medical supplies to Santa Teresa, and provided funding for village Health Promoters and community health centers.
Construction of wells with covers and manual pumps
As of 2019, SCP has provided funds for 153 wells and 221 pumps. SCP provides funds for bricks and cement, while Chacocente community members themselves are responsible for the digging and construction of the wells and covers. The cement covers are made with holes for insertion of a rope pump. These Nicaraguan-made manual pumps, easy to use and fast, are one of the SCP’s most appreciated improvements.
Water Filters
These filters are very basic. An unglazed clay pot sits inside a five-gallon pail fitted with a spigot. Water is poured into the pot. Amazingly, the water coming through this filter is purified from contaminants and even pathogens. Most families and schools in five communities have been provided with these drinking water filters. Villagers have told us that kidney health has greatly improved, thanks to the filters. Through the end of 2019, SCP has provided 409 water filters for village homes and schools.
Latrine Construction
SCP provides the bricks, cement, preformed cement seat, and metal sheets for this project. Over the years, SCP has funded 342 owner-built latrines in the villages. These family-built outhouses have improved health in communities which formerly used the forest floor as their toilet. People have noted that their village pigs are also now free of disease.
Medicines and Physician Cooperation
SCP cooperates with the main government public health center in Santa Teresa, and also its rural outpost clinic in La Pita, close to Chacocente. SCP funds a certain amount of basic medicines each year, with the understanding that these will be used for the members of our project communities. SCP Board members often bring medical equipment donated by the Richland Hospital. We have also funded motorcycle transportation costs for the La Pita doctor to do regular consultations in each village.
Village Health Promoters
This volunteer network of Chacocente villagers, mostly women, plays an important role in the health of these remote communities. For a number of years SCP has contracted with the La Pita doctor to give regular workshops, teaching the promoters health care, first aid, and basic medical procedures.
Community Health Centers
SCP has provided materials to build 5 new community health centers, such as this one in El Terrero, built in 2017. They are used by the health promoters and visiting doctors.